Recently, there has been a great debate around the creation
and implementation of an online platform that allows high school students to
take classes and obtain their degrees. Advocating for children to stay in their
own four walls and study the necessary subjects one would need to obtain a
degree – a degree that is clearly not holistic and cannot equate to being in a
high school atmosphere. One
example of this system in our society is, Memphis, Tennessee. They require its students to take an
online course to graduate. It is understandable why policy makers, teachers and
parents are promoting this system – the educational atmosphere is no longer a
safe environment and the ever-increasing budget cuts. Online classes still may
not be the best solution to the problem and seems like a cop out resolution. I
am not dismissing the great strides and efforts to reduce bullying and gun
violence don’t think they should go unnoticed but it does leave many with
questions like: Are those the sole reasons for an online high school degree?
Are those reasons sufficient? How are educators and parents going to ensure the
“typical high school experience”? Are online courses comparatively cheaper? All
great questions to consider, however not the questions that I want to focus on
in this post; the question that I will be discussing is how does obtaining a
high school degree from the internet effect the arts and how/if a child
receives art education.
transition from a conventional high school education to online classes can be
extremely problematic. It removes half of a child’s education, the humanistic
aspects and simply reduces it to reading, writing and arithmetic. The arts
& crafts component of school has been eliminated. Are children going to
have an online application for painting, sculpture and pottery? I don’t believe
that is possible and would not be hands-on and interactive. I often here my
father and his friends talking about their “home ec” classes, learning to cook
apple pie or fix a flat tire but all skills transferable to the real world –
real life competency. These home
ec courses taught high school students how to care for a life-like baby doll,
manage money, reading an apartment lease and attain car insurance. Contrary to
practical, hands-on examples, there are also disciplines that focus on the
human condition and foster critical, innovative thinking. Fine arts, performing
arts, literature, philosophy, religion and history are examples of humanistic
study, subjects that require students to use core skills (reading, writing and
arithmetic) as a tool and foundation that enables innovation. An educator can
teach a student that 1+1=2 but if that student doesn’t know what 2 means or the
different components that went into creating that 2, how can anyone expect that
student to effectively and efficient use that 2? In other words, learning that
1+1=2 is a success but how can an individual take that 2 and make it a
Thank you for reminding us of the importance of 're-inventing' our futures by 're-connecting' with our grand past! Michelle Obama reminded us that the arts and humanities are what makes us human. Let's keep a focus on the proven facts and data that the work of teaching art just isn't to make artists; but, to allow people to become critical thinkers -- become more creative problem solvers in life.